
Salute Sean!

Sean Yates, Team Sky’s lead Sports Director since 2010, has decided to retire from cycling after three decades in the sport.

Sunday stroll

Nice and easy enjoying the day.

2012-10-28 09.30.05

Oh crap! does this make me a doper !?!

Phinney and fellow American Pete Stetina revealed that they refuse to use caffeine and pain killers while racing, and were publicly supported on Twitter by several riders, including Marco Pinotti, Greg Henderson, David Miller, Marianne Vos and Marcel Kittel. Acquarone also praised Phinney via tweeted.

"I was hugely impressed by the position that Taylor Phinney and some other young riders have taken against doping," Acquarone explained to Cyclingnews.

Mountain lion

Bad Cat!

Politics and Cycling

These two have become a bit like reality TV ... but hey it's entertaining!

Pulled by Cycling News

The Spanish Armada sails! They have silenced Valverde … his article has been taken down, but here is what the others had to say along the same lines.

Alberto Contador- “In my opinion, at certain times, there has been a total lack of respect for Lance,” Contador said, according to the EFE news agency. “From my point of view, he was been humiliated and lynched. He has been destroyed. If cycling is popular in the United States, it’s thanks to him. If they know the Tour, it’s thanks to him.”

Samuel Sanchez- "I don't find it right,” he told La Sexta. “I think there should be a fair trial. You cannot punish a person only by verbal accusations. I think Lance has not tested positive throughout his career, was never sanctioned and now we see it all in cycling. One is accused of doping and they take away your career,.”

Miguel Indurain- "Even now I believe in his innocence. He has always respected all the rules," Indurain, who won the Tour from 1991-95, was quoted as telling Radio Marca on their website (

"I'm a bit surprised. It's a bit strange that this was only based on testimonies,"


Redistribution: Hey Jan wone as many tours as Greg!?!

Prudhomme called the Armstrong Affair “the story of a true talent who strayed, world champion at 21, who dominated everyone in the triathlon and played with fire.” =>

“It must be said that this is not the only rider (who is involved); we have to look around and also punish the surrounding individuals. It is necessary that convictions go beyond convictions for the champion,” said Prudhomme.

During a press conference on Monday, UCI president Pat McQuaid said it would be up to the sport’s governing body and not Tour organizer ASO to determine the winner of the seven vacated editions of the race. The Tour director on Monday reaffirmed his recent statement that “those dark years must be marked by the absence of winner.”

LanceTimeLine redistribution

Reaching out

2012-10-14 11.57.27

Way to fire Quigley

usada atomic1



 => well if we nail this guy to the cross  then cycling will be fixed ?!?

Really ... who cares anyway.